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A.I. IN L.A.



wednesday | 11.13.24 | AT tHE oMNI


Speakers & Presenters

Join us in Crafting ​the Future of A.I. ​Education & ​Workforce Talent

The A.I. in L.A. Innovation Summit is seeking leading subject ​matter experts from education and industry to inform and train ​participants on the latest trends in A.I. technology and its critical ​link to workforce preparedness.

Join the Los Angeles Regional Consortium (LARC), Los Angeles ​Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC), and Artificial ​Intelligence Los Angeles (AI LA) in the upcoming A.I. in LA. ​Innovation Summit as a featured speaker or presenter.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024 | Omni Hotel, Los Angeles

Seeking Subject ​Matter Experts

Do you have something to contribute? ​We want to hear from you!

The summit will feature keynote addresses, breakout ​sessions, and enlightening panel discussions. Your ​expertise would be a tremendous asset.

Share your expertise and reach up to 350 L.A. educators ​& workforce partners.



  • Showcase Your Organization: Gain visibility and recognition ​by sponsoring an event that attracts a diverse and influential ​audience.

  • Elevate Brand Exposure: Expand your organization’s visibility ​throughout the event, including press releases, digital ​marketing, and on-site promotions.

  • Share Your Expertise: As a thought leader in A.I., your ​insights and experiences will provide invaluable knowledge to ​our audience.

  • Promote Career Development: Contribute to discussions on ​A.I. career pathways and workforce development, helping ​shape the future of A.I. education and employment.

  • Engage with Educators, Students, and Industry Leaders: ​Collaborate with community college, K12, administrators, ​faculty, staff, and industry professionals to foster an ​environment of learning and innovation.

how to ​participate

  • Speaking Opportunities: Highlight your organization's ​contributions to A.I. advancements through speaking ​opportunities and/or panel participation.

  • Keynote Speeches: Deliver a keynote address to inspire ​and educate attendees on the future of Generative A.I.

  • Breakout Sessions: Lead a smaller session centered on a ​specific A.I. topic.

  • Panel Discussions: Participate in expert panels to discuss ​emerging A.I. technologies, ethical considerations, and ​industry trends.

  • Sponsorship Opportunities: Share tools, resources, and ​information that supports A.I. education in the region. ​Speaking and exhibitor opportunities available.

Speaker & Presenter Opportunities

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sh​are your


Act Fast

Opportunities ​are limited and ​subject to ​approval

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Artificial Intelligence

real human & economic impact

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A.I. is revolutionizing every industry, and it’s our responsibility to ensure ​that our students are not just prepared, but are leaders in this ​transformation. At Los Angeles Regional Consortium, we are committed ​to equipping our future workforce with the skills and knowledge needed ​to thrive in an A.I.-driven world.

Dr. Narineh Makijan

Chair/Assistant Vice President,

Los angeles Regional Consortium

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A.I. is vital to L.A. County's future, enhancing research, fostering industry ​clusters, boosting business growth, expanding global trade, and nurturing ​a skilled workforce for a resilient economy. The time is now to embrace ​this amazing technology and use it to our advantage!”

Je​rmaine Hampton

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By focusing on creating a robust ecosystem of resources and ​collaborative partnerships like this, we can enhance L.A.'s A.I. literacy, ​catalyze innovation, and advance workforce development opportunities.

Todd Terrazaz

executive director and president

artificial intelligence los angeles

questions? Connect with us.

For further information, please reach out to:

Dr. Narineh Makijan

Chair/Assistant Vice President

Los Angeles Regional Consortium

Office: 626.585.7304 | Cell: 818.445.4750



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